Get Help Now

Here you will find information on crisis resources, how to access care, how to get insurance, tips for living with mental illness during the coronavirus, warmlines and online support groups.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health emergency, call: 2-1-1, then press 1 to connect with a helpline representative.

Crisis Resources

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing a mental health crisis, please call 2-1-1, and press 1. Here is a list of additional crisis support resources. We will update this list as more services become available.

COVID-19 Vaccine

We hope these resources help you make an informed decision about receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.  

Accessing Care

Navigating health insurance can be complicated. Here you will find information to help you make sure that you're covered for the care you need.

Living with Mental Illness & Substance Use Disorder During COVID-19

Mental illness or substance use disorders have a greater risk of becoming exacerbated during this time. Here you will find resources to help with your health and wellness.


In addition to the tragic losses of life, health, and income, we are grieving the loss of our daily routines. Here are some resources to help you and your loved ones process and cope with grief.

Domestic Abuse

Stay-at-home measures aimed at stopping the spread of coronavirus have the adverse effect of increasing cases of domestic abuse. Here are free and confidential resources to help.

LGBTQ Resources

Here you will find information on local organizations, virtual peer support groups, and helplines geared toward offering resources to help the LGBTQ community during this time.

Get Insurance

The Maryland Health Connection has opened an emergency enrollment period for uninsured Marylanders through December 15, 2020.

Criminal Justice

This section offers resources to help families get in touch with loved ones who are incarcerated and information on community programs for inmates eligible for early release.

CQT Warmline

The CQT Warmline is for people currently receiving services in the Public Behavioral Health System who are having challenges within the system/not having their needs met.

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