CQT Reports
Within 10 business days of the site visit, CQT sends a written Site Visit Report to the senior management of the facility as well as the oversight/funding agency. The CQT Site Visit Report gives program administrators and funding agencies detailed feedback and a clear list of specific issues to address.
The report includes:
- Summary: An overview of the site visit, including CQT staff’s observations and topics brought up by consumers and staff.
- Individual Requests/Concerns/Suggestions: A list of individual consumer requests, concerns, or suggestions, that were brought to the attention of staff at the end of the site visit. Staff responses to these individual issues are included. No consumer names or identifying information are included. If an individual consumer gives permission for their name and request to be shared with staff, it is only shared verbally during the Immediate Site Visit Report Meeting.
- Index of Consumer Comments by Subject Area: An index of anonymous consumer comments from all interviews, organized by topic. Topic areas include:
- Staff Attitudes and Performance
- Classes, Programming, and Daily Activities
- Community Involvement and Participation
- Case Management & Entitlements
- Vocational & Educational Services
- Legal and Forensic Services
- Facility, Food, Transportation, and Related Services
- Clinical/Program & Staff
- Somatic/Medical Services
- Residential and Independent Housing Services
- Resident Rights & Grievance Services (inpatient only)