MHAMD Friends and Supporters –

The 444th legislative session of the Maryland General Assembly drew to a close last night. Over the past 90 days, MHAMD and our coalition partners called for action in the face of increasing demand for mental health and substance use services. The effort secured additional investments in community behavioral health services and Maryland’s crisis response system, systematic reforms to address the unique needs of children and young adults, new policies to improve supports for Maryland’s older adult community, and policies to provide financial relief for those unable to access care through their insurance carrier’s network of behavioral health providers.

Please refer to the attached MHAMD 2022 Session Summary for an in-depth review of key legislative and budgetary outcomes. Our final bill list is also attached.

Thank you so much to everyone who joined in our advocacy efforts. When called into action, hundreds of you emailed and called your representatives, testified at bill hearings, and helped to spread the word on social media. Our successes this year are proof of what we can accomplish when we speak with a unified and sustained voice.

Again, thank you. We could not have done it without you. There will be a great deal of work required to properly implement the initiatives enacted this session, so keep watching the MHAMD policy pages for information and updates on high priority items.

Download the 2022 Session Summary
Download the 2022 Final Bill List

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